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Accountability is for SAPS

Accountability is for SAPS

We fondly recall the days before graphic-design software, electronic files, and digital printing. Why fondly? Because it was easier to assign and enforce responsibility and accountability. In those Dark Ages of paste-up, composite layouts, photographic negatives, and...
Stay the Course

Stay the Course

Here’s a sad, ironic truth: Marketing departments have to constantly justify their existences, usually to sales departments, and especially if the both departments report to VPs of Sales and Marketing. It’s sad because it’s so largely unnecessary....
A Perfect Storm

A Perfect Storm

Since we’re fascinated by language as much as we’re enamored of the visual arts, we can’t help but notice the things that influence language. And we take particular interest in technology because its influences seem to fall somewhere on a scale...
The Evolution of Everything

The Evolution of Everything

When Nissan introduced the Altima in 1992, we remember wondering what would happen to the Maxima. We wondered that because, once introduced, no product is ever made smaller, less powerful, or slower. As a perfunctory knowledge of physics tells us, whatever goes up...
Warming Up Cold Calling

Warming Up Cold Calling

We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it — and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again — and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold...