We don’t like to generalize. But we’re going to do it anyway: RFPs are a waste of just about everything. We’d have imagined that to be common knowledge by now. But given the number of organizations that still rely on RFPs, we’re guessing...
We learned a wonderful Italian word the other day: ficcanaso. A ficcanaso is a busybody, someone who’s constantly sticking his nose in other people’s affairs, a snoop, a buttinsky, an intermeddler. It reminded us of people for whom and with whom...
We sometimes overlook the truth in the axiom: The more things change, the more they stay the same. We read an old poem the other day that compelled us to think about the dysfunctional ways in which many companies go about doing business, have always gone about doing...
If you’re thinking about moonlighting in a retail gig, and especially if it’s been a while since you attempted any such thing, you should be prepared to encounter some rather profound disorientation. That’s because marketing has become more much...
If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. (Confucius) Here’s a question: Notwithstanding the fact you simply don’t have time to do everything, why do you hire people? Here’s another one: Have you ever given...
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